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The Ashforth Feeder has been a nightmare…

Mould on the underside of the Ashforth feeder

Inspected the hive in preparation for the winter.  Can’t believe how many problems the Ashforth feeder has caused.  First there were the ants, then there the earwigs – saw one today as well.  The bees don’t seem to have taken much of the feed anyway.  On the inspection today, I noticed some mould inside the feeder and when I removed it there was grey powdery mould underneath the feeder so I removed it.  The super was still empty so have removed this from the hive as well as it will make it harder for the bees to keep themselves warm.  In the broodbox the bees looked quite happy – but the frames were completely stuck so I didn’t do a proper inspection.  The next task is to get a mouseguard to protect the hive from bees and also some mesh to put around the hive to protect it from woodpeckers!


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Winter is approaching…

The bees seem so much less active now that the weather has cooled down in London.  I hardly see them now buzzing around the garden.  I guess they’re happier keeping themselves inside the hive.  The key tasks at this time of the year is to rearrange the hive.  For some reason, it’s recommended that the super (a box which is placed on top of the brood box usually) is placed underneath the brood box.  Also, they say you should get a mouse guard to prevent them inhabiting the cosy environment of the hive!  It’s been a bit busy on the wards recently but as soon as I get time I’ll get the hive ready for winter.