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So glad we aren’t social distancing from our bees…

DrBeekeeper’s Apiary

First and foremost, I hope you are staying safe and supported during this global pandemic. I’m sure you’ll agree, we are living in very unusual times. Only weeks ago, the idea of a global lockdown would have seemed unimaginable. The dramatic change in our lives shows just how fragile our existence is as a microscopic virus forces us all to change our lives.

We are naturally social beings so ‘social distancing’ isn’t easy. It is only now that we keep ourselves 2m apart that we really appreciate the simple things that make life so great and which were too easily taken for granted. It is however a huge relief that we do not need to socially isolate ourselves from our bees!

In the last few weeks, the bees have once again been buzzing around the hives as they come back to life after the winter period. There is nothing more energising than seeing the to and fro of buzzing bees at the start of spring after a significant period of quiet.

Such a contrast from life working as a doctor on the ‘frontline’. The last few weeks have seen the hospital completely reorganise with healthcare professionals trying our best to support and treat people with Covid-19.

This experience has made my weekly bee inspections even more important. They provide that much needed glimmer of hope and optimism. The sights, sounds and smells of the apiary reconnect you with nature and bring you back to reality.

Stay safe and take care.
